Advice For Young Women. Starting your Own Business
The business stories from top male business owners in the world like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos plotting world domination from the dorm, garage, basement is remarkably amazing. One can see that most women have limited themselves from starting up a business because of fear of failure.
According to 'The Students Room' and the University of Law Business School, by the age of 21, there are twice as male entrepreneurs than females. These were their findings
-20% of male students had already started their own business compared to 8% of female students.
-The young female student lack confidence to start up.
-Of the students questioned, 73% of female participant versus 59% of male participant cited fear of failure.
-Lack of fund to start up were 64% of females versus 50% of male.
-61% of females admitted they were afraid of losing money, compared to 52% of male.
-45% of females feared having other people's livelihood on their shoulder against 29% of men.
Men had solid belief in their own abilities where as young women continue to doubt and fear. There are role models to look up to and these are their advice
Ellen de Visser, founder of AccessEast Translation.
As a young female entrepreneur, 80% of her colleagues were male. Her advice is that females should be Confident. Even if no idea of business has popped up, we should network and attend seminars. Freedom to create something innovative that we care about.
Lyndsey Johnson, founder of GrowthVine.
She started GrowthVine when she was 18 years old in the university. She was motivated by the public shaming of her lecturers and abandonment by her employer when she fell pregnant. Her advice was that the biggest difficulty females face in business is other people's perceptions. In her words, she said 'So you have to be tougher and work harder to gain respect as a male counterpart. Your confidence will grow as your success grows. Invest in your skills and build your confidence.'
Kim Aviv, founder of tech start up, Pathfinder.
It wasn't easy for her as a female in Tech industry. In order to gain respect for herself and defend herself, she fought a lost battle. "It is tiring to have your intelligence and capabilities questioned from the very start of a conversation, almost everyday, just because of your gender. Male-run businesses raise more capital just because of gender. Her advice is for females to do whatever you put your mind to do. What you haven't tried, you will learn, experience and survive.
Abigail and Chloe Baldwin, co-founders of Creative studio Buttercrumble .
They were both shy and worried about other people's perceptions of them. They said that women don't need to be the best in the world or attain a global success overnight. Take each day as it comes because you are constantly improving and strengthening your skills. With Persistent, strong-willed and being passionate, you can achieve what you set your mind to.
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